Super Sessions

Coaching – Super Sessions

When I analyse what my clients have wanted over the years it certainly varies. Some have had cancer, some have had cold sores. Some have had a crisis, some have had a critical inner voice that shreds them 24/7. Some have a strong sensing that there is more to life and they need a hand to get through the fog and the maze.

Sometimes we get pushed by health issues. A friend of mine –  Paul Kirk is famous for his saying (and booklet) “Cancer Saved my Life”. What he was doing was killing him and it took a diagnosis of bowel cancer for him to evaluate what actually supports life.

Stress from whatever source inhibits our ability to think creatively so it follows that if the stress is removed enhanced perspectives will follow. So this is what excites me – finding the most effective ways to help people to get to the next level, leaving the baggage behind.

What techniques are best? I will know when we talk and I can test what is best for you. Inevitably it will be a combination of things. Here are some of the modalities I use. I will teach you daily practices that will keep you stress free, clear and energetic. It won’t all happen over night although sometimes a lot does….but soon enough your life will once more be on an even keel- sailing happily through the uncharted waters of your life!

“Thanks again Tony everything has cleared up in regards to my flu & back (single handily moved our piano from one side of the lounge room to the other earlier tonight J I  am surprised by just how quick it has recovered. As I mentioned to you on the phone it was only a matter of hours from when I used the codes for chronic back pain to the time my osteopath was just looking at me blankly (pre-treatment) while I tried to convince him of my non-existent symptoms. Feel free to use this as a testimonial mate.

Regards, WV”

So, if you are ready to shed things that you know about, things that you don’t know about and move on up to a greater more profound experience of who you truly are then book in for a session or if you want to speak to me briefly prior to booking an appointment, just click here.

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